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Governors Declarations of Interest Register

Name of Governor Date  Business/Organisation  Nature of Business  Nature of Interest
Claire Ashley 20/09/2024 Nil Return    
Roz Buchan 25/09/2024 Take Shelter Facility at school Volunteer tour guide
Anna Bush 24/10/2024 United Learning Charity - Group of Schools Employee
Anna Bush 24/10/2024 Downs Junior School  School Son in year 5
Kyla Ellis 06/10/2024 Downs Junior School School one child attending the school
Kyla Ellis 06/10/2024 Institue of Employment Studies Research institute Employee - Policy Researcher
Rebecca Elton 05/12/2023 Downs Junior School School Child in year 3
Rebecca Elton 05/12/2023 FDA Union Union Representative for SCS grades and HR Policy at Parliament
Giovanni Franceschi 21/10/2024 Nil Return    
Gareth Hughes 21/10/2024 Varndean School School Employee - Deputy Headteacher
Gareth Hughes 21/10/2024 Brighton & Hove LA Local Authority Volunteer Leadership Coach
Caroline Mann 23/09/2024 Steyning Grammar School School Teacher of MFL & English
Gavin Nettleton 21/10/2024 Nil Return    
Richard Rudd 02/11/2024 Downs Junior School  School Wife is employed as a TA in the school
Eleanor Savage 27/09/2021 Downs Junior School School Employee
Andrew Siantonas 21/09/2024 Nil Return    
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